2018年の夏、僕はロサンゼルスから東に約3時間運転し、ヨシュア・トゥリー国立公園を目指しました。ヨシュア・トゥリーといえば、U2のアルバムが目に浮かびますが、あのアルバム写真の実際の撮影場所はDeath Valley National Parkだったそうです。
僕が大好きなカントリーロックシンガーのパイオニア、グラムパーソンズ。1973年、彼は、モーテル「Joshua Tree Inn」のこので部屋で意識がない状態で発見されます。死因はモルヒネとアルコールの過剰摂取だとされていますが、その後、なんと、棺桶がマネジャーに盗み出され、砂漠で火がつけられます。この辺りの事情は、ドキュメンタリー「Gram Parsons: Fallen Angel」でも語られています。
キャリアとしては、International Submarine Band、the Flying Burrito Brothersといったバンドもありますが、僕はやっぱりソロ作が大好きで、最大の魅力は、どこか哀しさを帯びた声のトーン。単なるカントリーシンガーに終わることない魅力がここにあると思います。
私物のTシャツ。彼のバンドFallen Angelといえば、エミルー・ハリスですね。
In the summer of 2018, I drove about three hours east from Los Angeles, aiming for Joshua Tree National Park. When you think of Joshua Tree, you might recall the album by U2, but it turns out that the actual location for the album cover shoot was Death Valley National Park.
Under the scorching sun, amidst endless desert, rocks, and Joshua trees (yucca trees native to the southwestern United States), once you enter, there are no convenience stores or gas stations whatsoever. The guide explicitly advised to “always carry a large amount of mineral water,” so I stocked up at a supermarket along the way and loaded it into the car.
Now, the main reason I came to Joshua Tree was to stay in a room at a certain motel.
A pioneer of my favorite country rock singer, Gram Parsons. In 1973, he was found unconscious in a room at the Joshua Tree Inn motel. The cause of death is believed to be an overdose of morphine and alcohol, but later, unbelievably, his coffin was stolen by his manager and set on fire in the desert. These circumstances are also discussed in the documentary “Gram Parsons: Fallen Angel.”
Although he was invited by Chris Hillman and was briefly a member of The Byrds, he was considered uncool among the edgy young artists of the West Coast/Summer of Love era (?), but what was amazing about him was that he brought a cool country taste, and he was loved by artists such as Keith Richards who respected and valued the “roots of music.” (This is important to me too!)
Well, there were no apparitions of his ghost at my bedside, and I spent the night in this room as usual, but the room was filled with photos and merchandise related to him, as well as messages left by fans from all over the world.
In terms of his career, there were bands like International Submarine Band and the Flying Burrito Brothers, but I still love his solo work the most, and the biggest charm is his tone of voice, tinged with sadness. I think the charm lies in the fact that he doesn’t end up just being a country singer.
Speaking of personal T-shirts, when you mention his band Fallen Angel, it’s Emmylou Harris, isn’t it?